The Official Website of Wayne Iverson
SAN DIEGO, Nov. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- San Diego physician and community leader Wayne Iverson, MD announces his candidacy for the US House of Representatives in the new California 52nd Congressional District. Dr. Iverson's entry into this race comes after three years of successfully challenging the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Dr. Iverson says that "we have been tracking the new healthcare reform law since President Obama's first day in office. From the start, this federal law has been poorly crafted, it greatly over-reaches and it distorts the delivery of medical professional services." Additionally Dr. Iverson said, "Obamacare is now being challenged at the highest legal levels in this country with doctors telling the US Supreme Court that this government controlled healthplan is harmful to patients and is unconstitutional." The latter message was conveyed in an amicus brief filed by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), an organization which Dr. Iverson serves as a board member.
Addressing the problems of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is precisely what Dr. Iverson has done. While the Bill was being voted upon by the US Senate, at AAPS Dr. Iverson and his colleagues did a complete read-a-thon on the Bill. Within days he arranged a candlelight vigil at the San Diego offices of US Senator Diane Feinstein in protest of that Bill that was passed under disheartening circumstances which included the notorious Corn Husker Kickback. "After that, we filed our own lawsuit against Obamacare in Federal Court in Washington D.C. just 3 days after President Obama signed the Bill into law," said Dr. Iverson, adding, "and then I continued to take my concerns directly to the public in rallies, tea parties and town hall meetings." As a result of the 2010 US Census, new Congressional districts have been drawn throughout the country. Dr. Iverson actively supported his long-standing local Congressman, Duncan D. Hunter, but Hunter's area was moved east of the new 52nd District, which currently does not have an incumbent. For over 20 years, Dr. Iverson has lived and had his medical offices in this area and considers this open new CA 52nd Congressional District as an opportunity to personally go to Washington, D.C. and continue to fight. According to Dr. Iverson, "The battle will be to have Obamacare repealed legislatively or revoked by the US Supreme Court, and replaced with new wholesome healthcare legislation. We need new legislation that doesn't cost the tax payers trillions of dollars while removing 500 billion dollars from our seniors' Medicare trust account." Dr. Iverson sees his successful bid for the CA 52nd Congressional District seat an opportunity to serve his community by securing fiscally responsible, constitutionally sound healthcare reform. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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