Berwicks Resignation Signals a Dramatic Shift in National Healthcare Policy
November 29th, 2011
Dr. Wayne Iverson, San Diego physician and candidate for the US House of Representatives in the California 52nd Congressional District, today commented on the surprise announcement from Washington, D.C.“The abrupt resignation of Don Berwick as the head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) signals a dramatic shift in this nation’s healthcare policy.” The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed... Read Full Article
ACOs Waste Millions of Dollars Chasing Unconstitutional ObamaCare
April 25, 2011
Last year President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as ObamaCare, amongst a flurry of protests and concerns about the burdensome costs and impossibilities of complying with the regulations. Within months, large corporations demanded waivers while small business are left scrambling to meeting compliance under the new federal healthcare reform law... Read Full Article
Dr Wayne Iverson Attends Meeting Combatting Voter Fraud
April 5th, 2011
For the past two years, ordinary American citizens from all walks of life rose up and marched under the banner of the Tea Party movement. The full force and effect of this movement was seen by a dramatic shift in the political power structure in Congress after the November 2010 elections. The far left in Washington and the liberal elite media failed to denigrate honest mom and pop American citizens with names like “tea baggers” and “astroturf”... Read Full Article
Dr Wayne Iverson Meets Newt Gingrich
March 23rd, 2011
On Wednesday, March 16th in San Diego at the Westin Gaslamp Quarter Hotel, a room packed with local San Diego community leaders listened to the former Speaker of the House’s views on the US Government and the current economic environment. Gingrich, an acknowledged historian and author on American history and politics, reviewed the strong faith this country’s framers possessed as they put pen to paper codifying the documents... Read Full Article
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